When you first arrive in the office, you will be asked for your insurance card. You must present your insurance card at the time of each visit. Providing us with your insurance card before services are rendered allows us to verify coverage. We can bill most insurance carriers for you. If you do not provide us with complete and accurate information, then your insurance claim may be denied, in which case you will be financially responsible for the charges.
Some insurance plans require that you obtain a referral from your primary care physician before scheduling an appointment with us. Check with your insurance carrier to determine what their policy is in this regard. If you are required to obtain a referral but do not do so prior to visiting us, your insurance claim may be denied, and you will be financially responsible for the services received.
If an estimate of your out-patient procedure is needed, we will gladly provide the contact numbers and codes to assist you in obtaining that information from your insurance provider. Additionally, your insurance carrier may require prior authorization of the procedure before it takes place in order to accept your claim. We can assist with this by providing the exact information necessary for the insurance carrier to make its decision.
In the event that your insurance provider denies the charges for your procedure, you will be responsible for the entire balance that is due on your account. If this occurs, we will let you know and work with you to find a solution. It may be as simple as providing additional information to your insurance company.